Lovatt of Massey Knakal details her accomplishments

May 21, 2012 - Spotlights

Jill Lovatt, Massey Knakal Realty Services

Name: Jill Lovatt
Title: Director of Retail Leasing
Company/firm: Massey Knakal Realty Services
Years with company/firm: 1
Years in field: 1
Years in real estate industry: 12
Address: 275 Madison Avenue, NY, NY 10016
Telephone: 212-696-2500 x 7704
Email: [email protected]
Real estate organizations/affiliations: REBNY, AREW

During the last 10 years of your career, which professional accomplishment, honor or achievement has meant the most to you and why?
The accomplishment that means the most to me at this point in my career are the 12 closed leases I was able to complete in my first year in New York. Moving from Southern California to New York and re-inventing a career is not an easy thing to do. Luckily I was able to become part of the Massey Knakal organization, which I consider to be the biggest launch to my initial success. Well, that and a lot of shoe leather.
Which project, deal or transaction was the "game changer" in the advancement of your career during the last 10 years?
For my career in New York City, the game changer was to secure the exclusive listing at 1100 Madison Avenue. This resulted in many other relationships and conversations that have turned into transactions and relationships.
How do you contribute to your company and / or the industry?
I contribute to Massey Knakal and the industry by mentoring younger women in the commercial real estate. Women are clearly in the minority which I view as a tremendous opportunity. I work to get the younger women to see it that way and enter / stay within the industry.
What advice would you give to women just starting out in commercial real estate?
Be assertive and be yourself. Your work will stand on its own merit. Be fair and be fearless and you will be successful.
How do you manage the work/life balance?
I exercise very early in the morning-this keeps me sane. I live in the middle of my territory so I am always watching for action. I really do love what I do, so it doesn't feel like work. What is the old saying- "when you love what you do, you will never work another day in your life."
Who or what has been the strongest influence on your career and why?
Paul Massey, hands down has been the strongest influence and biggest supporter of my New York career. He has supported me in every endeavor, been a terrific coach and great role model for a successful business person in this amazing and huge city.
How are you using social media to promote yourself and/or your firm?
I have found LinkedIn to be an invaluable tool to both connect with tenants, brokers and property owners. Massey Knakal is on Twitter and utilizes several blogs to communicate
Where would you like to be 10 years from today?
On a beach in California reading a good book. Possibly "Brokers Who Dominate" by Rod Santomassimo.
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