JRM Construction delivers new offices
for Architecture Research Office

June 25, 2024 - Design / Build
Photo Credit: Magda Biernat

Brooklyn, NY JRM Construction Management has completed the construction of new offices for the Architecture Research Office project (ARO). This project stands out not only because the client was also the architect, but also due to the highly personalized and community-focused approach throughout the construction process. The collaborative nature of this project infused each site visit and review with enthusiasm and appreciation, as JRM brought ARO’s design to life.

The office features reclaimed wood from the early Holland Tunnel construction and from a former glove factory in Ohio, repurposed into elegant conference room tables, which enhance the space’s aesthetic and historic value. Millwork and custom-fabricated Filzfelt ceiling baffle tiles, a product designed by ARO, improve the office’s acoustics and offer a stylish workspace solution. Additionally, a Casambi Lighting Controls wireless system integrates smoothly, to provide modern technological enhancements.

The completion of this project demonstrates JRM’s expertise in transforming creative visions into tangible realities.

David McWilliams, COO of JRM, said, “Working with Architecture Research Office was an extraordinary experience that uniquely combined their innovative architectural vision with our construction expertise. The thoughtful incorporation of historic materials alongside advanced technological solutions is a prime example of our commitment to creating more than just spaces, but truly inspirational environments.” 

Our team’s dedication to realizing the client’s vision and surpassing expectations underpins our leadership in the industry, particularly in managing and executing customized office spaces.

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