Title: CEO
Company: Taylor, The Builders
Location: Penfield, N.Y.
Birthplace: Akron, Ohio
Family: Wife, Amelia; 3 daughters, ages 22, 20 and 18
College: St. Lawrence University, St. John Fisher College
First job outside of real estate: I was cutting lawns and delivering papers by the age of 12. My first job for someone else was a busboy at age 16. These taught me the values of customer service and good communication.
First job in real estate or allied field: Mason's tender and laborer, summers during college. This is where I learned respect for skilled tradespeople and the value of good field coordination.
What do you do now and what are you planning for the future? We currently focus on delivering exceptional customer service for commercial, industrial and multifamily customers across western New York. Our short term plan is to expand our geographic reach and to pursue more opportunities in the retail, institutional and hospitality markets.
Hobbies: Running, hiking, skiing, cycling, golf, guitar, cooking
Favorite book: "The Fountainhead" by Ayn Rand
Keys to success: Teamwork, vision and a positive outlook
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