IREON host Mix & Mingle event in Long Island City

November 22, 2022 - Front Section
IREON Group Shot

Long Island City, NY IREON members, along with their colleagues and friends, gathered together for a pre-holiday celebration of the winter season. Held at the headquarters of DNA Contracting, the evening featured an authentic Italian-focused buffet and curated selection of wines. DNA Contracting, which holds the category for building facade restoration on IREON's membership roster, arranged tours of the multi-level space, showcasing its offices, conference rooms, audio-visual auditorium, and training areas.

IREON, which was founded in 2016 by Steve Kirschner, CEO of Principals Direct Group, is considered one of the premier business development organizations in the greater New York Metro region, with a membership exclusively made up of senior executives from service and product firms serving the real estate industry. The IREON-hosted mix-and-mingle provided yet another opportunity for in-person catch-ups and shared business opportunities for members and their guests. 

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