IREM NYC holds annual dinner & awards night on March 3rd

April 12, 2022 - Owners Developers & Managers
IREM NYC's Annual Dinner & Awards on March 3rd at 230 FIFTH


Katerina Vasilyeva, CPM and IREM Chapter president Michael Torres, CPM.


Shown (from left) are: Tina Thiakodemitris, ARM, VP chapter activities; Nicholas Stolatis, CPM, treasurer; Michael Torres, CPM, president; Randall Powell, CPM,
first VP; Jessica Tusing, CPM, secretary and Gail Duke, CPM, VP membership.
(Not pictured: Ralph Amicucci, CPM, VP education)


Shown (from left) are: Ricky Pizarro who accepted on behalf of Parkchester Preservation Corp.; ACM of the Year Stephanie Caulfield, Kimco Realty; RE Person of the Year Tonya Ores, Neighborhood Housing Services of Brooklyn; ARM of the Year Tina Thiakodemitris, Ferrara Management; CPM of the Year Berry Perry, Conifer and Industry Partner of the Year Ideal Security Systems’ Jason Gross.


New York, NY IREM NYC hosted their Annual Dinner & Awards on March 3rd at 230 FIFTH. It’s the first time the organization held this celebration since February 2020. Members and guests were happy to come together for a great evening.

The event was sponsored by three IREM NYC Industry Partners The Durnan Group, Rosenwach Tank and Ideal Security Systems.

IREM NYC’s 2022 officers were officially sworn in and IREM NYC so grateful for the time and effort they put into these volunteer roles.

  • Michael Torres, CPM, president;
  • Randall Powell, CPM, first vice president;
  • Gail Duke, CPM, vice president membership;
  • Tina Thiakodemitris, ARM, vice president chapter activities;
  • Ralph Amicucci, CPM, vice president education;
  • Jessica Tusing, CPM, secretary; and
  • Nicholas Stolatis, CPM, treasurer.

IREM NYC’s annual dinner and awards was all about the excellence of their members. The evening’s honorees were:

  • The Accredited Management Organization of the Year award was presented to Ricky Pizarro who accepted on behalf of Parkchester Preservation Corp.;
  • Accredited Commercial Manager of the Year: Stephanie Caulfield, Kimco Realty;
  • Real Estate Person of the Year: Tonya Ores, Neighborhood Housing Services of Brooklyn;
  • Accredited Residential Manager of the Year: Tina Thiakodemitris, Ferrara Management;
  • Certified Property Manager of the Year: Berry Perry, Conifer; and
  • Industry Partner of the Year: Ideal Security Systems, Jason Gross.
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