The Greater New York Chapter of the IREM hosted their January luncheon at the New York Helmsley Hotel featuring world renowned entomologist Louis Sorkin, BCE, senior scientific assistant, American Museum of Natural History and Entsult Associates.
The bed bug expert left little to the imagination as he showed his collection of photos of bedbugs as well as the actual creepy crawlers themselves to a rapt audience of IREM members and guests. Commented Sorkin, "Bed bugs, as you well know, are not restricted to beds. Infestations in public areas, offices, stores and theaters have their origins in the home and are carried by unsuspecting people. The common bed bug will harbor in so many places including beds, bed frames, floor boards, chairs, many types of furniture, electronics, picture frames, in closets, briefcases, backpacks; in essence, if you can think of a place, bed bugs probably have already been collected from it."
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