With summer coming to an end and school getting ready to open, it’s a great time to get back to building up your pipeline after some well-deserved downtime.
With the summer temperatures rising faster than the Fed’s interest rate hikes and inflation accelerating quicker than that alligator chasing that swimmer in the latest virtual YouTube video, this is no time to take your foot off the prospecting pedal.
You have four months left in 2022, and there is still ample time to make your calls, schedule those meetings and secure some high quality, high commission fee exclusives. But it’s also time to change your pitch if your current pipeline lacks promise.
Here are three elements that will get you noticed on the phone and help you capture a higher conversion ratio for meetings.
First, remember everyone you talk to is no different than you. They are not better than you, and they are not busier than you. They are all human, yes, even that landlord who seems to spit fire. So, if you have any call reluctance, there is absolutely nothing you can do, within reason, that will harm you in any way.
Second, prospects don’t care about you. But that’s ok. What they care about are their income and their outcomes. Once you accept this, you can ask yourself if your opening pitch is centered around you (i.e., “I was calling to see if you want to sell/lease/finance/refinance/manager your building”) or around them. (i.e., “I have been speaking to other owners/tenants/users just like you, and they are struggling with these three issues...”).
Third and finally, prospects don’t want to talk to lazy brokers, who are commodities. They want to work with authorities who understand the market, have experience, and can educate and guide them to a successful resolution.
Next year is right around the corner. Are you ready to dominate CRE in 2023?
Rod Santomassimo, CCIM, is Founder and President of the Massimo Group, LLC, New York, N.Y.

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