Greater N.Y. IREM offers Sexual Harassment Prevention Training; Presented seminar for 130 RY Management employees

June 04, 2019 - Owners Developers & Managers
Sexual harassment prevention training at RY Management.

New York, NY The Greater New York chapter of the Institute of Real Estate Management (IREM) joined forces with attorneys Dona Kahn and Karol Robinson from Anderson Kill and presented a seminar on sexual harassment prevention to a crowd of over 130 RY Management employees on Tuesday, April 30th. The seminar fulfills NYC Local Law 96, which requires that employers with 15 or more employees conduct annual anti-sexual harassment training for all employees. Training must be complete by October of this year. IREM is offering these classroom seminars to both their member AMO companies and to non-members. To schedule a  seminar for your employees please call (212) 944-9445.

Thanks to the efforts of the chapter’s Certified Property Manager (CPM) members, IREM #26 is among the top ten contributors to the IREM 2019 Income/Expense program! The Income/Expense report is industry specific data for benchmarking , forecasting, budgeting, planning and trend analyzing—all compiled to give you the competitive edge. These reports assist in solving problems and preventing mistakes with clean, precise property benchmarking data. The information is perfect for property managers, asset managers, appraisers, assessors, owners and investors, financial advisers and lenders, and anyone who needs the most accurate information on the local market.

Income/Expense Analysis Reports are comprehensive, detailed studies featuring income and expense data from thousands of properties in major metropolitan properties and regions across the U.S. Their data’s been scrubbed, relied upon, and contributed by property managers who want to contribute good data to make good decisions.

These reports are important for benchmarking properties against similar properties locally, regionally, or nationally; understanding current market conditions; forecasting a property’s performance for the coming years; using detailed local comps for accurate appraisals; comparing accurate data for 2019 budgeting; understanding real estate trends for commercial or residential properties; justifying key management decisions to employers or client and projecting potential revenue for planned developments. They contain information such as revenue, expense and vacancy trends; turnover trends; leasing fees; operating breakdowns and ratios; insurance costs; tax and payroll expenses; energy consumption analysis; utility and maintenance costs and dozens of more categories.

This year, IREM members found it easy to submit the data online. The 2019 reports are published by IREM and will come in traditional bound book form, interactive PDF or online labs—including the national summary and reports on specific sectors such as conventional apartments, office buildings, coops/condos, shopping centers and federally assisted apartments.

The chapter thanks Greystar Management Services, Cushman & Wakefield and Time Equities for their contributions.

Upcoming events:

• June 19th: Roof top party featuring cocktails and hors d’oeuvres at 230 FIFTH, NYC from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Price is $65 for members and $75 for non-members.

• June 17-21st: The Asset Management Track at The Conference Center, 51 Madison Ave. from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. The Asset Management Track is comprised of skill-based courses that, when taken in sequence, progressively build your knowledge of financing and valuation of real estate assets. Students will work hands-on to explore various models of financial analysis in three applications-based courses designed to help them capitalize on their real estate assets. They will find the tools they learn here indispensable to the properties and the portfolios they manage. Courses include: Financing and loan analysis for investment real estate; performance and valuation of investment real estate and asset analysis of investment real estate.

To register for either event, visit or call (212) 944-9445.

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