G2D Group introduces Latch Keyless Entry

July 11, 2023 - Owners Developers & Managers

Huntington, NY G2D Group has introduced Latch Keyless Entry, an access control system, into their residential buildings. G2D Group aims to revolutionize building access, making properties safer, more convenient, and ultimately enhancing the overall living experience for residents.

Latch Keyless Entry is a cutting-edge technology that replaces traditional lock-and-key systems with a seamless and secure digital access solution. By utilizing a combination of smartphones, keycards, and unique PIN codes, residents can effortlessly access their homes and common areas with a simple tap or swipe. This innovative system eliminates the need for physical keys, preventing the risk of loss, theft, or unauthorized duplication.

“G2D Group is committed to creating exceptional living environments that prioritize safety, convenience, and comfort,” said Greg DeRosa, principal of G2D Group. “By partnering with Latch Keyless Entry, we are revolutionizing the way residents interact with their homes, streamlining access control, and enhancing their overall quality of life.”

The integration of Latch Keyless Entry provides numerous benefits for residents, including:

• Enhanced Security: With Latch Keyless Entry, unauthorized access becomes nearly impossible. The system offers advanced encryption and multi-factor authentication, ensuring that only authorized individuals can enter the building and specific areas.

• Convenience and Ease of Use: Residents can unlock doors effortlessly using their smartphones, keycards, or unique PIN codes. This eliminates the need for physical keys, simplifying the access process and reducing the risk of misplacing or forgetting keys.

• Seamless Integration: Latch Keyless Entry seamlessly integrates with other building management systems, such as intercoms and elevators, creating a unified experience for residents.

• Remote Access: Residents can grant temporary access to visitors, service providers, or family members remotely, using the Latch mobile app. This feature adds an extra layer of convenience and flexibility to residents’ lives.

G2D Group plans to implement Latch Keyless Entry across their current and future residential properties, reflecting their commitment to leveraging technology for the benefit of their residents. The partnership with Latch represents G2D Group’s dedication to staying at the forefront of industry trends and providing exceptional living experiences.

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