June 08, 2015 - Front Section

Roland Hopkins, NYREJ

I always thought that one of the biggest wastes of time in grade school was teaching History. Why? Because everyone knows that it does repeat itself, but no one uses that fact to their advantage. Do the History homework and you will find that recessions flash their ugly heads every seventeen years. Being well aware of that fact shouldn't our government have been prepared for the most recent recession that bordered on being a Depression?
Let's do that simple math. The last recession began in 1989 and ended in 1991. Add 17 years to 1991 and you get 2008. When did this most recent recession begin? 2008. So since we all agree that History repeats itself, we all should have been prepared. Right? Sorry. Is there anything going on in the world right now that we should be aware of and be prepared for now that we agree that history repeats itself? Sorry again. The answer is yes, and we read about it everyday, and sadly there is nothing you and I can do about it.
In the mid thirties (that's only eighty years ago) a madman in Germany became Chancellor and slowly but surely revealed that he was going to eliminate all Communists, Capitalists, Jews and others who didn't measure up to his perfection. In 1939 he attacked Poland, and by the end of 1941 he had taken over most of Europe and North Africa. Under his leadership (and don't forget, he was only one man) he was responsible for the genocide of at least 5.5 million Jews, and millions of others he deemed sub-human, 19.3 million civilians and prisoners of war. Total deaths attributed to WWII - 29 million.
So you now ask, "What does all this have to do with us totally protected citizens of the greatest Democracy in the world?" Not written in any history books is what was happening behind the scenes between Winston Churchill, the highly respected leader of England as he continually pleaded with our President, Franklin Roosevelt who had just been re-elected to a third term after promising all mothers that their sons would never have to wear Army uniforms when he was President, and he was keeping to that promise. England was being bombed daily, and Churchill was daily pleading with Roosevelt to intercede. Nazi groups in America were successfully practicing our Freedom of Speech laws, and getting away with it.
On December 7, 1941, Japan bombs Pearl Harbor so the USA goes to war against Japan. Two weeks later a very stupid Adolph Hitler declares war on the USA, just four days before Churchill planned to surrender. By the way, Churchill's plan is not in the history books.
So what does all this historic crap have to with things repeating themselves and real estate and the Journal? Adolph Hitler planned to overrun Europe and then come to the United States. Fortunately he decided to overrun Russia first. Are we daily reading what is happening in the Middle East? Are we daily reading what is happening in Iraq? When those Hitler-like people succeed, are they going to stop there? Is someone from Iraq phoning us every day and asking for help?
Here's what history can teach us if we are interested. In 1941 the United States, England and Russia joined forces, worked together, and defeated Hitler. I suggest that when John Kerry heals his broken leg, he race back to Europe and the Middle East, get together with England and Russia and study history books before it's too late. I don't want to have to drive by legal ISIS gatherings in my home town square. Do you?
Roland Hopkins is founder of the NYREJ, Norwell, Mass.
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