Esther Zar discusses her career at Murray Hill Properties

May 21, 2012 - Spotlights

Esther Zar, Murray Hill Properties

Name: Esther Zar
Title: Managing Director
Company/firm: Murray Hill Properties
Years with company/firm: 2.5 years
Years in field: 7 years
Years in real estate industry: 7 years
Address: 277 Park Avenue
Telephone: 212.763.4450
Email: [email protected]
Real estate organizations/affiliations: REBNY
During the last 10 years of your career, which professional accomplishment, honor or achievement was most meaningful to you and why?
After my first year in the real estate business, I received a "top producer" award and I felt as though I'd really accomplished something. Although I am not typically a "risk taker," I jumped at an opportunity to enter the world of commercial real estate. It felt good to prove to myself that I could achieve something knowing how hard I had worked. For me there is nothing more meaningful and rewarding than a sincere "thank you for doing a great job" from my clients and customers. I keep every one of those emails and cards in a folder.
Which project, deal or transaction was the 'game changer' in the advancement of your career during the last 10 years?
My first big sales deal - the recent acquisition of 530 Fifth Ave. on behalf of Murray Hill Properties and our partners.
How do you contribute to your company and / or the industry?
I make it my first priority to secure the best possible deal for whomever it is that I represent. In our office, I keep an open door and am always happy to help others. MHP is a company that went through a management transition just a couple of years ago and the next generation is now in place. This is a very exciting time and I am actively helping to "grow" the company.
What advice would you give to women just starting out in commercial real estate?
There are plenty of women in the business who are stars but primarily this is still a business dominated by men, though this has been changing gradually over time. It's important to maintain professionalism and not let emotions get in the way. Conversely, women should use their natural intuition to determine what clients really need. A woman who is just starting out in our business has to work harder and be more prepared than everyone around her; she must realize this and be up for that challenge. If she can do that, the only limit is how far her drive takes her.
How do you manage the work/life balance?
I love what I do, I live and breathe it. It's not easy but I think if you really love what you do, then it's not a fault. I live and work in Manhattan and everything around me reminds me of commercial real estate. With that said, I play sports and watch movies and getting out of New York City once in a while helps me unwind too.
Who or what has been the strongest influence on your career and why?
I admire the developers and real estate visionaries that took a chance on new neighborhoods and were successful. I admire the "market makers" who transformed the profile of different submarkets; and the brokers who have accomplished so much on a transactional basis. All these movers and shakers inspire me daily, because it's a constant reminder that there is no end and no limit to what one can accomplish in this industry.
How are you using social media to promote yourself, your products and / or your firm?
I consider myself to be pretty technologically savvy, but at this point, I'm more of a "networker." I believe that to meet someone in person or through a referral gives me a better chance to win their business.
Where would you like to be 10 years from today?
I continue to learn something new every day and I expect that will be the same ten years from now. I am a very determined person, I set a goal and I achieve it. At some point in the future, I'd like to be an owner/developer. I also hope that I will be just as passionate about this business as I am today.
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