Dottid upgrades insights with portfolio performance

August 15, 2023 - National News

Dottid announced that the leading proptech solution is now offering upgraded insights with the release of their holistic and customizable portfolio performance visualizer. Dottid users can now get a snapshot of potential risks, occupancy trends, target industries, important tenants, and more for even smarter portfolio decision-making. Portfolio performance is the newest product added to Insights, next to dynamic projections and leasing performance. 

New upgrades include: an occupancy trends graph that shows the change in average occupancy over the last 4 quarters, a pie graph that breaks down the largest industries among active tenants, a list of the top 10 leases that have the largest s/f, 4 histograms that show how active tenants are distributed among lease term, lease area, base rent, and NER. This page also includes a a table with a breakdown of each property's occupancy, WALT, and the % change in WALT from the previous quarter.  This page can be filtered by fund, sub-portfolios, properties or market to customize the scale of insights analysis.

“Portfolio performance is the real-time indicator for asset health and continues Dottid's goal of providing detailed, actionable insights to our users.” said Kyle Waldrep, CEO and founder of Dottid. “Simply, this dashboard allows property owners to make better decisions, faster.”

“We are pleased to offer these new insights,” said Waldrep. “We believe these new upgrades and features will highly enhance our user experience and increase the value of our product.” 

These new features help users identify high-performing and at-risk properties, the trend in average occupancy over the last year since joining Dottid, the most important tenants by square footage, and industry exposure across portfolios. These features can also help users identify favorable terms for future tenants based on the current base rent, NER, lease, area, and term trends for active tenants

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