Cornerstone Land Abstract is partnering up with CondoTek as one of its preferred title insurance providers within CondoTek's new title portal. CondoTek leverages unique expertise in technology and real estate to enhance the lending and closing process in the condominium space. Ordering a Cornerstone title report directly through the Condotek platform allows for faster title delivery, a more robust project compliance review, and ultimately, a faster approval and closing.
"We are thrilled to announce the addition of Cornerstone Land Abstract to the CondoTek platform. Our lender clients can now order a title report from Cornerstone directly through our Condo Project Warrant and CondoPak platform! In the current market climate, obtaining title quickly is the key to solving condo compliance challenges early and ensuring a quick closing. Cornerstone is committed to delivering title in 10-days or less for all CondoTek clients!" said Orest Tomaselli, president of Project Review at CondoTek.
Jason Hudson, CEO of Cornerstone Land Abstract said, "We are honored to team up with Condotek to provide lenders and borrowers with access to advanced and innovative industry leading technologies that will help to streamline the closing process significantly. At Cornerstone, we pride ourselves on helping people achieve the American Dream of home ownership through advisory and efficiency. Condotek is transforming the industry and we are excited for this collaboration which will enhance and accelerate the closing process for all parties involved”
For more information visit www.cornerstonelandabstract.com and www.condotek.com

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