Complying with the Multifamily Conservation Program - by David Schwartz

November 24, 2015 - Green Buildings
David Schwartz, The Water Scrooge David Schwartz, The Water Scrooge
On June 29th, you may have received a letter from the DEP concerning the Multifamily Conservation Program, or MCP.  By July, 2016, you must install high-efficiency shower-heads, sinks and toilets in 70% of your units.  Failure to comply will result in being switched to meter-based billing. The water conservation package developed exclusively by The Water Scrooge will enable you to meet this requirement. Furthermore, you may realize such substantial water consumption savings that it would be worthwhile for you to convert to meter-based billing and save additional money. We have a multi-pronged approach to conservation. As opposed to low-flow showerheads that tenants can remove, our patented Shower Regulator installs behind the shower wall, invisible and tamper-proof. Tenants experience consistent water pressure and comfortable flow, while landlords see reduced water and energy bills. In addition to the patented Shower Regulator, The Water Scrooge also provides tamper-proof devices for kitchen and bathroom sinks. We also offer a professional water leak and waste survey to identify inefficient fixtures and water leaks that might otherwise go undetected or unreported. The survey consists of a thorough visual inspection and thermal imaging technology that enables inspectors to locate hidden problems behind walls. And there is more. Are your toilets using 1.6 GPF?  How can you know? A new combination of patented flow measuring tools and flow adjustment devices that can make your toilets compliant, and you pocket the savings. The savings potential for buildings is tremendous. In addition to reducing the amount of water used, since energy is required to produce hot water, lowering water consumption will also reduce energy costs. Typically, hot water accounts for 65% of residential water usage, so energy savings can be substantial.  According to Schwartz, a 100-unit building can expect to save at least $52,300 per year in combined water and energy savings from the installation of these devices. Older buildings may profit from savings as much as 2 to 3 times higher. Fixing the leaks and faulty fixtures that are identified during a survey increases the overall savings even more. David Schwartz is the inventor of The Water Scrooge and CEO of DS Magic Tech, LLC, Lynbrook, N.Y.
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