Coaching: Don’t K.I.D. yourself - by Rod Santomassimo

October 16, 2018 - Front Section

Last month, I had the opportunity to travel to Montreal, to give a presentation to over 100 commercial real estate professionals regarding their prospecting efforts. During the workshop, I presented the critical components of successful prospecting campaigns, inclusive of who to target, how to target them and how to get them to say, “Yes, I will meet with you.”

After the three-hour session, several attendees walked up me, as is generally the case, but one gentleman wanted to proudly share how he already knew several of the tactics and principles I shared that morning. I responded, as I have come accustomed to, “Great, are you doing it, are you implementing what you know?” 

The gentlemen looked perplexed and asked me what I meant.  You see, I shared over 100 principles that I know, and several he reported to know, that would help him move his business forward, and earn more commissions.  But as we say at the Massimo Group, “Don’t K.I.D. yourself! Knowing Isn’t Doing.”

While it’s great to be a life-long learner, to read books, to take courses, and whatever else, unless you’re implementing what you have learned, it’s not going to impact your commissions, your fees, or enhance your personal value.   

So much knowledge we gain is from presentations, such as books, training, seminars, videos and the like. While presentations make us smarter, it’s the implementation that makes us wealthier. Go out today and just don’t say to yourself, “I know that,” — actually do it.

Rod Santomassimo, CCIM, is the founder and president at Massimo Group, LLC, New York, N.Y.

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