Christen Portelli, Highcap Group

February 07, 2011 - Spotlights

Christen Portelli, Highcap Group

Name: Christen Portelli
Title: Managing Principal
Company/firm: Highcap Group
Years with company/firm: 2 years
Years in field: 9 years
Years in real estate industry: 9 years
Address: 30 West 39th Street, 5th Floor NY NY 10018
Telephone: 646-546-5255
Email: [email protected]
Real estate organizations / affiliations:

Who or what has been the strongest influence on your career?
Thus far the greatest influence on my career has been the "market crash." The market was peaking for the first several years of my career until late 2008. At such time, I was able to transition into and learn an entirely new part of the business in dealing with distressed debt and assets and broker involvement and creativity was much more essential in negotiating a deal than in the past. It was an incredible learning experience in which I was able to thrive and I now appreciate the peaks and valleys that I have gone through.
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