Chris Graf, Rebecca Surujnarain, Kathy Deininger, Carrie Adduci, Alison LaPointe,
isa Nichols, Brady Foster, Esq. and Kevin Rutkowsky.
Riverhead, NY On May 24, Certilman Balin participated in its first-ever Build Day for Habitat for Humanity.
Habitat for Humanity of Long Island builds because they believe that everyone, everywhere should have a healthy, affordable place to call home. When a family helps build or improve a place they can call home, they are also building a better community, a better life for themselves.
For more information, visit habitatliny.org.
Certilman Balin Adler & Hyman, LLP has grown into Long Island’s second largest full-service law firm with offices in Nassau and Suffolk Counties. Its 15 practice areas include: real estate, real property tax certiorari and condemnation, cooperative and condominium, land use, environmental law, corporate/securities, litigation, commercial lending, labor relations/employment law, bankruptcy and debtor/creditor rights, nonprofit/tax exempt and religious organizations, trusts and estates, elder law, and telecommunications law.

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