Bright Energy and AtlanticWestchester selected by Con Edision to speak at BuildingsNY

May 02, 2017 - Owners Developers & Managers
Shown (from left) are: Bonnie Hagen of Bright Energy Services and Brian Hoffman of Atlantic Westchester.


Presenting “How to Put Your Building on an Energy Diet” at the Con Edison Pavilion. Shown (from left) are: Cathy Hoffman of Atlantic Westchester, Bud Hammer president of Atlantic Westchester, and Bonnie Hagen, COO of Bright Energy Services.


Manhattan, NY Leading energy efficiency experts, Bonnie Hagen, chief operating officer of Bright Energy Services (an environmental consulting and implementation firm) and Bud Hammer, president of Atlantic Westchester (a commercial and industrial HVAC company), were selected by Con Edison to speak at this year’s Buildings NY event at the Jacob Javits Center. As both companies are Con Edison Market Partners, Hagen and Hammer’s presentation about “Putting Your Building on an Energy Diet” was well attended by facility owners and managers. Their Ted Talk style presentation began with an interactive video about an energy efficiency project the two award-winning companies had recently done together. Hagen and Hammer shared the details of the energy diet for this three-building campus for a house of worship in Westchester County New York. The audience was intrigued to learn about all the energy conservation measures implemented for the HVAC and lighting systems as well as the accommodating annual energy savings and Con Edison and NYSERDA rebates totaling over $100,000.

Shown (from left) are: Tom Burbank of Atlantic Westchester, Cathy Hoffmann of Atlantic Westchester,
Eric Liu of Bright Energy Services, Tina Michell of Bright Energy Services.


Shown (from left) are: Bud Hammer president of Atlantic Westchester, David Pospisil program manager of Con Edison, Bonnie Hagen, Chief Operating Officer of BrightEnergy Services.


Hagen & Hammer’s presentation helped the audience to understand how to cut back on a facility’s energy usage in order to reduce its operating expenses and get financial incentives from the utility by comparing the effort to people trying to cut back on salty foods and sweets in order to lose weight. Everyone knows that losing weight not only makes you look better, but it results in other positive health effects like improved concentration, sleep, cardiovascular and respiratory health, and more. Even with all the benefits, most people don’t know where to begin to start such an effort.  Additionally, when most people start the effort to diet, they also find it difficult to keep going.  Hagen and Hammer showed the audience where to begin to put a building on an energy diet and how to keep it on the diet so that it has long lasting positive effects. Besides the reduction in energy usage and costs, the positive effects also include a consistent and comfortable environment for the occupants. The excitement in the audience of building owners and managers was palpable as after the presentation, many waited on line to ask questions or ask for consultations for their buildings. David Pospisil, the program manager, Commercial & Industrial Energy Efficiency Programs at Con Edison who was running the Con Edison Pavilion at the NYBuildings show later posted on LinkedIn, “Thank you both for your great presentation. Let us know how we (Con Edison) can help you convert leads from the show to energy projects.” 

Con Ed has energy reduction targets it needs to hit and with market partners like Bright Energy Services and Atlantic Westchester all working towards a common goal, it is a win-win all around, especially for the facility owners and managers.

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