BOMA New York hosts Safety and Prevention Training seminar

November 07, 2017 - Owners Developers & Managers
BOMA NY’s Advanced Strategies for
Training Building Staff and Tenants seminar.

Manhattan, NY The Building Owners and Managers Association of Greater New York (BOMA New York) hosted a seminar titled Advanced Strategies for Training Building Staff and Tenants to educate and engage building owners and property managers on safety guidelines and prevention plans for commercial buildings. 

The seminar, hosted at Club 101, attracted 100 industry professionals based in NYC. Targeted towards property management, fire and life safety directors, chief engineers and security directors, the seminar included three segments: building knowledge assessment via electronic, real-time audience polling; a building systems assessment workshop; and an incident intelligence segment via crowdsourcing.

“As environmental risks become more abundant, there is no such thing as being too prepared,” said BOMA New York president James Kleeman. “At BOMA New York, we want to do everything in our power to protect and educate building owners and property managers. We see immense value in our people, and would truly be doing them a disservice if we neglect to inform them of these procedures that can potentially save lives.”

Special guest speakers included Croker Fire Drill’s Director of Corporate Development Joseph Evangelista; Brookfield Office Properties’ senior vice president, U.S. Security & Life Safety, U.S. Office Division Patrick Timlin; and president of Remlu Risk Management, LLC Walter Ulmer III. 

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