The property has remained off limits behind fencing and gates since its closure in 2006. Since that time, GSA has maintained the buildings and site and prepared it for auction. The original depot totaled 120 acres. There have been two property transfers to Broome County, in 2009 and 2014. The county constructed the middle and high school complex on the northern portion. The county took possession of two warehouse buildings on the northern property line and an office building at the south entrance to the property in 2014. To complete the disposal of the depot, GSA is auctioning the remaining land and buildings.
GSA will conduct property tours this summer, providing prospective bidders an opportunity to walk the property and view the interiors of each building. This presents a prime opportunity for interested parties to tour the property and observe the functionality of the buildings for multiple uses. Properties will be conveyed "as is"/"where is" to the highest bidder.
The Binghamton Depot includes 43 acres in a secluded, campus setting. The site includes a rail spur, paved drives and parking areas and a historic spillway. Conveyance includes access easements and utility easements for the prospective buyer's access through previously-conveyed portions of the depot. There is also a historic preservation easement for the spillway, a water feature along the eastern boundary of the property.
The eight buildings conveyed include Warehouses 8, 10 and 11, the Butler warehouse building, the administrative office building, the maintenance garage and two small guard houses. The buildings total 350,000 s/f.
Most of the buildings were constructed in the 1940's as part of the original Depot and have been well-maintained and remain functional for warehouse, assembly, production and manufacturing operations, as well as for adaptive reuse. The property has been vacant since 2006, although maintained by the Government.
The property is located at 1151 Hoyt Avenue in Fenton, NY. There is direct access to the south entrance from Hoyt Avenue. There is an access easement on the north property line over Chenango Bridge Road, which connects directly to I-88/S.R.7.

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