Name: Barbara Champoux
Title: Principal/Owner
Company Name: Champoux Law Group PLLC
What was your greatest professional accomplishment in 2020?
I led CREWNY’s DIG This: CREW Careers Program, a collaboration among CREWNY, CREW Foundation and Nontraditional Employment for Women (NEW). The program, conducted in three sessions, focused on the Development Lifecycle to educate NEW graduates about where their roles as tradeswomen fits in the Lifecycle; how their acquired jobsite skills and knowledge can be translated to other CRE roles; and CRE career opportunities beyond the trades. Culminating in a Mock RFP Team Challenge, the NEW graduate teams developed, and presented to a panel of judges, exceptional proposals responding to a Mock RFP. 46 CREWNY members and other CRE leaders participated invested time, efforts, wisdom and experience in the program, and the NEW graduates, supporting and advancing more women in the CRE pipeline.
What aspects of working from home did you enjoy most?
Avoiding rush hour commuting crowds, lines, timetables and unproductive time.Greater efficiency with fewer distractions. More comfortable clothing and shoes. The resulting Zoom Boom which led to more connectivity for me and amazing free content in CRE areas I may not otherwise have explored. The opportunity to be resilient, give back and create opportunity from adversity.

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