BACI, NYSBA and NAHBA opens in Westchester County

July 21, 2020 - Design / Build

Armonk, NY The Building and Allied Construction Industries of Westchester (BACI), the newest chapter of the New York State Builders Association (NYSBA) and the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB), are officially open for business and accepting new members.

“As I was getting my own business back up and running, I relied heavily on BACI’s expertise on everything from handwashing and sanitation to recommendations on safety protocols and equipment,” said Eric Abraham, president of BACI.  

Membership in BACI will be open to home builders, multifamily developers, and remodelers, with an associate membership open to businesses working in closely related fields such as mortgage financing and building supplies. As with other chapters statewide, membership in BACI will also convey membership in NYSBA and NAHB, which combined have nearly 200,000 members nationwide.

The kickoff event for the new chapter was a webinar, “The Challenge of Construction Safety During a Pandemic: Lessons Learned from the Front Lines” held on June 2nd. The free webinar provided firsthand experience of other regions of the state who achieved Phase One of re-opening before Westchester, as well as a local developer whose affordable housing project was deemed “essential construction” and permitted to continue. They related lessons learned, success stories, and best practices for keeping workers and construction sites safe from the spread of the coronavirus. 

“We’re so thrilled that Westchester County builders, developers, and remodelers will have a NYSBA and NAHB presence here in the county, and a stronger voice in Albany and Washington D.C.,” said Francine Carmadella, owner of a local remodeling business and one of the new officers for the chapter. “In addition to the member benefits and discounts, government relations and representation, and networking, BACI will provide us access to more educational resources and practical education events like Tuesday’s webinar, plus certification and workforce training programs, access to legal advice, economists, tax and regulatory specialists – everything our businesses will need to come back strong in this challenging time.”

“With our new home builders association and the discounts, rebates, opportunities and advocacy provided by NYSBA and NAHB, we can offer Westchester builders, developers, and remodelers the support they need to not only get back to work but have their business be stronger than ever,” said Abraham.

BACI will be administered by The Building and Realty Institute (BRI) of Westchester and the Mid-Hudson Region. 

The BRI has more than 1,800 members in 14 counties of New York State, including home builders, commercial builders, renovators, property managing agents, co-op and condo boards, and owners of multifamily apartment buildings in many communities, as well as suppliers and service providers with a special focus on real estate. The BRI’s mission is to improve the relationships among builders and real estate business owners to the mutual advantage of the industry. 

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