One of the goals I have as president is to visit the NYSCAR chapters throughout the state. Many thanks to the Southern Tier chapter leadership, Hudson Valley and Long Island,/NYC leadership for the courtesies extended to me during my recent visits with them. It was a great opportunity to talk to the members about common areas of interest regarding the commercial real estate profession. I look forward to visiting with the Rochester area chapter later this week.
Committee Service
Soon NYSCAR will be soliciting members to serve on the 2024 NYSCAR committees. Maybe you are interested in education, government affairs or membership. Don’t sit on the sidelines – help shape the future of the organization by sharing your ideas and expertise. Details coming soon!
Mike Kelly Honored
Many of you have had the opportunity to meet NYSAR’s director of government affairs Mike Kelly, who has participated in our annual conference for many years, addressing attendees each year with a very informative and energetic legislative update. Recently Mike was recognized in New York’s “2023 Who’s Who in Government Relations.” The list spotlights some of the most influential government affairs professionals across the state. On behalf of the NYSCAR membership, we congratulate Mike for this honor!
Education is Everything!
NYSCAR places a high importance on educating the membership. Therefore, we are pleased to continue the benefit of offering courses via Zoom which are free of charge for NYSCAR members. If you would like to take any of the courses below, please email Sherry Marr at [email protected].
Upcoming professional development classes via Zoom
August 17-18 – Working with Office, Retail and Industrial Buildings, Leases and Green Concepts, (7.5 hours) Edward Smith, Jr.
August 22 – Is a Rhombus a Square? This 4-hour class instructed by Mary Peyton, fulfills the licensing requirement for two hours of cultural competency and two hours of implicit bias.
August 24 - 25 – Working with Investment Properties: Financial Analysis, Taxes and Exchanges, Discrimination Issues in Commercial Real Estate (7.5 hours) Edward Smith, Jr. (fulfills NYS licensing requirement for three hours of fair housing).
August 31-September 1 – Ethics & Agency, Land & Site Development, Comparing Investments, Brokerage Issues and Building your Commercial Business (7.5 hours) (fulfills NYS licensing requirement for 2.5 hours of business ethics and one hour of agency (two hours of agency is needed if this is your first renewal) Edward Smith, Jr.
September 19 – Legal Update, Anthony Gatto, Esq. (one hour) (fulfills the NYS licensing requirement for one hour of legal issues) (sponsored by NYSAR).
October 6 – Safety & Security for Real Estate Professionals, NYS trooper Steve Rothwein (1.5 hours).
C.E. Requirements: Effective September 21, 2022, all licensees will be required to successfully complete 22.5 hours of approved continuing education that includes at least 2.5 hours on the subject of ethical business practices, at least one hour of recent legal matters, at least three hours of instruction pertaining to fair housing and/or discrimination in the sale or rental of real property or an interest in real property, at least one hour of instruction pertaining to law of agency except in the case of the initial two-year licensing term for real estate salespersons two hours of agency related instruction, at least two hours of instruction pertaining to implicit bias awareness and understanding, and at least two hours of cultural competency training. Instruction must be completed within the two-year period immediately preceding a renewal.
Robert Strell is president of NYSCAR and is an associate real estate broker, real estate consultant with Hanna Commercial Real Estate, Rochester, NY.

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