Audrey Novoa discusses her career at Murray Hill Properties

May 21, 2012 - Spotlights

Audrey Novoa, Murray Hill Properties

Name: Audrey Novoa
Title: Executive Managing Director
Company/firm: Murray Hill Properties
Years with company/firm: 10.5 years
Years in field: 31
Years in real estate industry: 31 years
Address: 277 Park Avenue
Telephone: 212-763-3528
Email: [email protected]
Real estate organizations/affiliations: REBNY and YM/WREA

During the last 10 years of your career, which professional accomplishment, honor or achievement was most meaningful to you and why?
Approximately five years ago I was chosen by the new owners of 1 Park Avenue to lead the leasing team of this magnificent 1 million s/f building. This was a major professional achievement for me because I headed the leasing and management team of 1 Park Ave. for a previous ownership from 1982-1999. To actually have the opportunity to represent this building again was a great challenge and an extreme honor.

Which project, deal or transaction was the 'game changer' in the advancement of your career during the last 10 years?
I spent 21 years as a broker at Williams Real Estate. In 2001, I made a life changing decision when I decided to leave Williams and go to Murray Hill Properties. For the last 10 years I have represented major assets and leased more than 1 million s/f of space. I have represented many tenants in finding solutions for their real estate problems, both in New York and nationally, through our TCN network. Additionally, because of Norman Sturner's influence,
I have now expanded my real estate profession into representing sellers and and purchasers of property.
How do you contribute to your company and / or the industry?
I find at this stage of my career I enjoy helping the younger brokers in my company. They always find my door open and I answer honestly any real estate question they might have and guide them through the thought process in finding solutions to their problems.
What advice would you give to women just starting out in commercial real estate?
My advice to women would be the same advice I would give to men-work hard and diligently. Have a high ethical standard and be creative, think outside the box. Don't be afraid of doing research, practice your canvassing skills, speak clearly, and network as much as you can.
How do you manage the work/life balance?
As everyone knows, it is always difficult to manage one's work/life balance these days because of all the social media technology that is available. However, when I am with my family I try very hard not to open the blackberry or the computer too often, and to pay attention to all of my family's needs.
Who or what has been the strongest influence on your career and why?
The strongest influence in my career has been my desire to give my immediate and my very extended family the ability to learn, grow, and approach life in a very pragmatic way. My husband has been highly supportive of my career choices and without his support I would not have been able to accomplish all that I have.
How are you using social media to promote yourself, your products and / or yourfirm?
I belong to Facebook and LinkedIn, but I still believe that personal contact is the best way to communicate. Therefore, I still try to approach people directly.
Where would you like to be 10 years from today?
I would like to be giving back to society whether through charity work, working with children, or young adults. I would also like to travel the world and continue to learn.
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