April 2021 message from the president of NYSCAR - by James Walker

April 06, 2021 - Upstate New York

We want to remind you that the continuing education requirements for real estate licensees will be changing July 1st. The “grandfather” clause will no longer be in effect – ALL licensees will have to take c.e. If your real estate license expires on July 1st, or after, you are required to have successful completion of 22.5 hours of approved c.e. which must include:

  • 1 hour of agency (2 hours if it is your first renewal);
  • 2.5 hours on ethical business practices;
  • 3 hours of fair housing laws; and
  • 1 hour of recent legal matters.

Be sure to keep track of your courses and don’t wait until the last minute to take your education. Please note that NYSAR is sponsoring a free legal update course which is approved for the “recent legal matters” requirement. Please see below to register.

We are pleased to announce that NYSCAR will sponsor a course presented by instructor Joseph Larkin, CCIM. The course will be hosted by the Upstate NY CCIM Chapter.

“Real Estate Investment Measurements Using Excel” a two-hour session will be presented on April 20th, 11:00 am – 1:00 pm and is free for CCIM and NYSCAR members.

Annual NYS Commercial Real Estate Conference: Please save the dates of October 20th-22nd, for the Annual NYS Commercial Real Estate Conference to be held at Turning Stone Resort and Casino, Verona, New York.

President Biden signs latest COVID relief package
On March 10th, Congress passed a $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief package known as the “American Rescue Plan of 2021.” President Joe Biden signed the bill on March 11th. The package includes several provisions that impact the real estate industry, including rental assistance, small business loans, state and local funding, extended unemployment benefits, and new money for housing counseling and a housing assistance fund. Funds will be available for New York to assist landlord and tenant rent relief. The details of how those funds will be distributed are part of the ongoing NYS Budget negotiations.

NYSAR Legislative Priorities
During the February NYSCAR Board meeting, Mike Johnson, NYSCAR’s legislative chairman, discussed NYSAR Legislative Priorities which included relief to tenants and building owners and protecting the independent contractor status for real estate licensees.

Provide Relief To Tenants And Building Owners: It is critical that New York provide relief to tenants who are unable to pay their rent due to impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. It is equally important to provide relief to building owners who are struggling to pay their mortgage and property taxes as a result of non-payment of rents. In order to promote economic recovery and housing stability, NYSAR supports the following:

  • Provide additional state funding and resources to the COVID-19 Rent Relief Program.
  • Utilize federal funding to provide direct relief to building owners hurt by nonpayment of rent or reduction in rental income due to COVID-19.

Protect Independent Contractor Status For Real Estate Licencees:  NYSAR strongly opposes any legislation that would result in removal of independent contractor status from licensed real estate brokers and salespersons. Legislative proposals such as A.2685-Joyner seek to redefine the term “employee,” however those actions conflict with existing Labor Law exemptions for licensed real estate professionals. NYSAR opposes any legislation that does not provide a clear exemption for the professional services of a licensed qualified real estate agent.

James Walker, CCIM, is the current president of NYSCAR, Albany, N.Y.

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