The seminar explores the history of the green building movement in the U.S. such as design principles, cost-benefit analysis and the implications for the valuation process, including how buildings are analyzed and valued for investment purposes. At the end of the seminar, participants will be able to:
* Identify the relevant components of a sustainable property.
* Discover green buildings resources.
* Evaluate construction costs in the context of long-term benefit, capital and operating costs, and relative to net income from operations and reversion.
* Analyze the relevance of green features in the marketplace.
* Assess market and investment risks relative to potential rewards.
* Identify who pays the costs and who receives the benefits for the sustainable elements incorporated in green construction.
* Provide a competent and reliable estimate of market value in the context of available data.
Each year, Greenbuild offers a wide selection of USGBC Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design (LEED) workshops taught by highly qualified LEED faculty and industry experts before and after the conference education sessions. Greenbuild itself will take place November 19-21 at the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center at 415 Summer St. in south Boston. The Appraisal Institute course will be offered November 18 from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. at a cost of $445 ($495 after September 9). To register, or for more information on Greenbuild, visit

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