Annual Community Loan Fund of the Capital Region celebration to be held October 17th

October 01, 2019 - Upstate New York

Albany, NY The Community Loan Fund of the Capital Region is turning 34 years old. To celebrate this milestone, the Community Loan Fund will be holding its annual celebration Thursday, October 17th, 2019. The event will be held at Washington Park Lakehouse, Washington Park from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m.

Attendees will enjoy food, festivities, and presentations from Community Loan Fund borrowers.

RSVP by calling (518) 436-8586 or CLICK HERE.

Since 1985, the Community Loan Fund of the Capital Region has made 900 loans, totaling nearly $56 million, and leveraging an additional $262 million. Those projects have resulted in more than 2,580 jobs created or retained.

The Community Loan Fund of the Capital Region is creating a skilled worker pipeline and a more inclusive workforce. Last year alone, 575 individuals graduated from our trainings and workshops.

The Community Loan Fund also supports a business incubator, which offers convenient, affordable office space, shared services, and on-site technical assistance to minorities and women. The incubator serves as a launching platform for many, helping them grow their business and preparing them for the future. “Graduates” from our incubator go on to lease and buy market-rate space and hire additional employees.

The Community Loan Fund also supported non-profits across the region who provide affordable housing, early childhood education, healthcare, and supportive services. The Community Loan Fund’s mission has always been to create sustainable economic development and ensure the fair treatment and the meaningful involvement of all people in our economy – regardless of race, color, national origin, or income.

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