Name: Susan Baldwin, MAI, AI-GRS
Title: President
Company Name: CNY Pomeroy Appraisers, Inc.
List up to three associations or organizations that you are presently a member of:
- Appraisal Institute – dual professional designations
- Board Member of the YMCA
- Grievance Board, Town of Cazenovia
What recent project, transaction or accomplishment are you most proud of?
I started a campaign in my hometown called “Light Up Fenner.” As a soccer coach in the Cazenovia school district, I saw the need to have permanent lights on our home field to support both soccer and lacrosse. Most competing districts had lights, turf, etc. We formed a committee and raised $125,000 to install permanent lighting and then donated the system to the school district. Having the games later in the day allowed more parents to come and was also supported by other community members coming just to watch a game.
It is unfortunate that games have yet to be played on the field this spring, but we are hoping the lights will be turned on soon.
As a real estate appraiser, my favorite project was being the lead appraiser for Mohawk Valley Edge. There were three separate appraisal firms involved in valuing various properties being acquired for the development of a new hospital in downtown Utica. Our firm managed the project and I organized the portfolio, assigned appraisals, and reviewed all of the appraisals to ensure conformity and consistency in value levels. I was most pleased with the collaboration of appraisers from both Buffalo and New York City. It was a great learning experience and sharing of knowledge.

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