Name: Katarina Sundqvist
Title: Director of Sales, Associate Real Estate Broker
Company Name: Greiner-Maltz Investment Properties
List up to three associations or organizations that you are presently a member of:
- Massimo Group – CRE Mastery,
- Ridgewood Social,
- LoopNet Commercial Real Estate Professionals Network
What recent project, transaction or accomplishment are you most proud of?
I’m very proud of a recent transaction I facilitated for a 5,000 s/f commercial loft, which was leased to an accessories design group partially based in China for $17,000 monthly rent. This company is a wholesaler to Macy’s, Forever 21, and Rainbow, as well as many other retailers. This transaction makes me proud because it was a massive deal–five-year lease term–and it was my first deal working as an independent broker. To make the deal, I had to assist in securing financials in NY from the company’s headquarters in Hong Kong, which was a great learning experience!
What would you tell your daughter if she was interested in following in your footsteps?
If my daughter did me the honor of following in my footsteps, I would strive to teach her all the skills needed to survive in this competitive industry. Specifically, I would emphasize that you have to devote 100% of your time, including nights and weekends, to best take care of clients. She must learn to guide her clients and work for them to provide the best service possible. I’d also encourage my daughter to study real estate law, as it can come in handy and be rewarding when negotiating leases and contracts.
What was your favorite job and what did you learn from it?
My favorite job was unique–being a pop star! I was part of a singing group in Sweden that had fame in Europe and Asia. Besides the creative and artistic skills needed for a music career, I learned that it is a business venture just like any other. I had to sell a product–my music group–which taught me multitudes about the importance of marketing and entrepreneurship. During this time my self-esteem increased, and I realized that with time and effort I can achieve any goal!

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