2020 Women in RE: Adelaide Polsinelli, Compass

May 19, 2020 - Spotlights

Name: Adelaide Polsinelli

Title: Vice Chair

Company Name: Compass

List up to three associations or organizations that you are presently a member of:

  • REBNY,
  • WX,
  • ICSC

What is one characteristic that you believe every woman in business should possess?
Confidence! Take a position of power in a meeting. Sit at the head of the table or in a prominent area. Women should be seen and heard. Learn to say no. Many women take a passive approach when asked to take on more than they should. Be straight and on point. Excuses aren’t necessary. Once you are known as someone who is decisive and confident, people will be more careful in what they ask from you.Intonation is also an important factor. Refrain from “singing” your statements. Speak clearly with authority and conviction. Avoid words like “um,” or “you know.” Many women are reluctant to ask for what they may need leading to resentment. Decide what you want, and then go get it. Ask for what you need without excuses or apologies. Be clear and concise. 

What would you tell your daughter if she was interested in following in your footsteps?
To be successful in commercial real estate, a woman must have tremendous self confidence and a strong personality. You can stand out in a male-dominated field and be successful as a woman. Keep your eye on the goal and spend your energy positively. When many of today’s successful real estate women entered the field, it was a good-old-boy network. Things have changed somewhat. For the most part, men are more accepting of women in positions of power in real estate. If you are a woman starting out in real estate today, find a firm where women are celebrated and in high-ranking positions. Align yourself with strong mentors and remember those who helped you.

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