2021 Women in Professional Services: Kimberly Zar Bloorian, KLOUD Real Estate Marketing

March 23, 2021 - Spotlights

Name: Kimberly Zar Bloorian

Title: Founder and CEO

Company Name: Kloud Real Estate Marketing

Real estate associations or organizations that you are currently a member of:

  • CREW Network,
  • ICSC,
  • Real Estate Marketing Professionals

Why should women consider a career in commercial real estate and related services?
Commercial real estate is much more dynamic and exciting than a typical 9-5 job. Not only is it constantly evolving, but you can watch something grow and play a role in a tangible project. Many employers are deepening their commitment to diversity and innovation and women can find more opportunities to stand out and speak their voice.

How do you keep your team motivated despite conflicts and obstacles?
We are a small team and we all work remotely. To overcome the obstacles and misunderstandings that can arise from a lack of face-to-face contact, we have monthly in-person meetings. We also do our best to replace conference calls with Zoom meetings and FaceTime. We also hold regularly scheduled “pulse” check-ins to zero in on the challenges the team is struggling with and to solidify our company goals. This motivates our personnel to truly humanize one another and helps us stay motivated, while maintaining our personal connections. It’s also important to remind your team that it’s not only about work 24/7. I talk to my team all the time just to catch up on non-work related things that we do in our day-to-day lives.

Women have made significant progress in the last year towards equality in the workplace. How do you advocate for your fellow women in real estate?
In a space where the number of men outweigh the number of women, it’s important to recognize the wins of other women in the industry. And there are so many ways to do it. We can post on social media about an interesting deal closed by a female peer, we can recommend someone to a potential client or we can highlight wins. Competition is important but supporting your peers, even if they, for example, just beat you out for a deal, makes the world a better place.

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