2022 Women in Construction: Sasa McCabe, CTA Architects P.C.

March 22, 2022 - Spotlights

Name: Sasa McCabe

Title: Project Manager

Company Name: CTA Architects P.C.

What was your greatest professional achievement or most notable project in the last 12 months?
The past year brought new challenges with “The Great Resignation.” CTA Architects doesn’t typically have a high turnover rate but we were not immune to all the changes that had to be made over the last year. As a project manager, I oversee dozens of projects and with a changing and relatively new staff it meant a lot more guidance and oversight. Thankfully the industry was booming but with that came added pressure on an already delicate situation. I think we’ve made it relatively seamlessly through all the transitions and hope that we can get into something steadier going forward.

Why should women consider a career in construction?
It is an empowering and rewarding career. It’s not exactly what I imagined when I studied architecture in college, but having done this now for almost 15 years, I am still curious and learning every day. It is a practical profession, you see the impact you have on where others live, work, and study.

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