2022 Women in Construction: Lisa Levine, Shawmut Design and Construction

March 22, 2022 - Spotlights

Name: Lisa Levine

Title: Project Manager

Company Name: Shawmut Design and Construction

What was your greatest professional achievement or most notable project in the last 12 months?
The last 12 months have continued to be a challenge for everyone, but in my opinion the construction world has had it especially tough with supply chain volatility and COVID case spikes. The project I have been working on kicked off in March of 2020 and has faced every difficulty the pandemic and day-to-day construction could throw our way. I am very proud of how my team and I worked tirelessly through the extraordinary challenges to turn over the first phase to our client, a non-profit food bank.

Why should women consider a career in construction?
Women should consider careers in construction for several reasons. It is proven that gender diversity in any industry can lead to a more profitable business, and in construction there are so many opportunities for women right now. I think as more women enter the field it will continue to change the narrative of our industry being a “boys club” and help with profitability all around. Additionally, I think more women in construction will help change policies that tend to be stuck in traditional ways, such as family leave.

Starting out in the construction business, who or what empowered you?
The first manager I had in construction, Doug Schultz, taught me the basics in project management. He also allowed me to do a lot on my own, which sometimes resulted in mistakes. Allowing me to have this trial and error not only helped me learn but empowered me to take on more responsibility as I felt ready. Without the ability to make mistakes I wouldn’t have taken the risks that have gotten me to where I am today.

Who within your own firm has helped you succeed within the construction industry?
My current manager, Mary Mahany, has helped infinitely with my recent success. Like the first manager I had when moving into the construction world, she has allowed me to take on immense responsibility and helped me correct my mistakes. She has also taken genuine interest in my career trajectory. We have touched bases that have varied from weekly to every other month to discuss everything from being full-time working moms to how to handle a specific challenge with our client. I would not be where I am today without her investment in my success over the last few years.

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