2022 Women in Construction: Lisa Andrzejewski, Robinson & Cole LLP

March 22, 2022 - Spotlights

Name: Lisa Andrzejewski

Title: Attorney

Company Name: Robinson & Cole LLP

What advice would you offer to other women getting into the construction industry?
My Memé was one of the first female plumbers in Massachusetts. She was tough, and despite her small stature, she was a force. My other Grandma was equally impressive. As a business owner, she led with kindness, sincerity and grace. Over the years, I have realized that I am a combination of them both. Being in the construction industry requires this balance. Working in an industry that is predominantly men, can require a thick skin—think…Memé. Other times require a softer touch, creative thinking and team building—think…Grandma. Construction balances force and grace.

Who within your own firm has helped you succeed within the construction industry?
I am fortunate to have been surrounded by a team of experienced, kind and brilliant attorneys within my firm as well as many women in the construction industry who have helped me to develop the skills and knowledge to become a construction attorney. Being around men and women who have dedicated their careers to construction is inspiring. Having professional colleagues and friends that I can call, and consult allows me to advance in my career and motivates me to strive to be better.

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