2022 Women in Construction: Barbara Kavovit, Evergreen Builders & Construction Services, Inc.

March 22, 2022 - Spotlights

Name: Barbara Kavovit

Title: CEO & Founder

Company Name: Evergreen Builders & Construction Services, Inc.

What was your greatest professional achievement or most notable project in the last 12 months?
The last year has included several exciting and notable projects—it’s difficult to narrow down to just one! But overall, it’s Evergreen’s inclusivity in the world of real estate and being considered for major projects from the portfolios of some of the largest landlords and corporations in NYC.

Why should women consider a career in construction?
As a trailblazer, I’ve been consistent in helping pave the way and inspiring other women that they too can have a successful career in construction. I encourage our estimators to hire women and minority-owned businesses that employ women tradesmen and women on the jobsite that allow them to showcase their skills. One of my field supers is a woman who is an absolute powerhouse and has total command of her projects. We need more women to start construction companies, project managers, field supers, etc., to start changing the perception and celebrate our achievements. We also need to give young women access to the proper training to prepare them for jobs in this industry. And we need to make good quality clothing that is specific for women in construction! I might make that my next business venture!

Starting out in the construction business, who or what empowered you?
My Dad. He put a hammer in my hand when I was 9 years old, and we built many projects together. Learning how to build taught me confidence, determination that builds self-esteem and moreover, how to be a leader.

Who within your own firm has helped you succeed within the construction industry?
The talented women I work with every day. We lift each other up to do better, believe in equality and that are talents are boundless. We know we can all work in unity as one and lend unique characteristics that enhance each project.

What advice would you offer to other women getting into the construction industry?
As a woman in a male-dominated field, you may find that your knowledge and expertise are constantly in question. You need to be 10x better than your male counterparts to be considered equal and I always tell women that knowledge is power and that will help exude confidence in the workplace. It’s important to be aware of your strengths and weaknesses, be resilient and never take no for an answer.

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