Name: Vanessa Strausser
Title: Vice President, Procurement
Company Name: Evolution Energy Partners (Evolution Sustainability Group)
What did you want to be when you grew up?
A nurse
What led you to your current profession?
I was working in the procurement department of a battery manufacturer and got to know the account rep for the energy marketing company who handled our natural gas supply. The concept of energy deregulation was new to me and found it very interesting. After the manufacturing company moved out of state, I went to work for the energy marketing company.
What trends will dominate your industry in the coming months?
Renewable energy and sustainability
How do you contribute to your community or profession?
I try to be a resource not only to customers, but for co-workers and colleagues by learning as much as possible about our industry and sharing that knowledge with others.
What books or social media influencers would you recommend to other women?
Brene Brown. She has a lot of great works about change, leadership, and living your best life.
Who was/is your mentor and how did s/he influence/help you in your career?
I wouldn’t say I have one particular mentor; I believe we learn from everyone around us, and I have many people who helped me along the way in one form or another.
In the past year, what project, transaction or accomplishment are you most proud of?
Getting through COVID with my career, family, and health intact.

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