2021 Women in Building Services: Christine Barshtak, Finaly General Contracting Corp.

June 22, 2021 - Spotlights

Name: Christine Barshtak

Title: President

Company Name: Finaly General Contracting Corp.

Real estate associations or organizations that you are currently a member of: BOMA, BCA, WBENC, NYC WBE, Women’s Presidents Group, Professional Women in Construction

What did you want to be when you grew up?

A writer.

In the past year, what project, transaction or accomplishment are you most proud of?

My company, Finaly GC, completed a 26,000 s/f, two-floor, full-tenant build out at 175 Varick right in the midst of COVID. The project turned out beautifully, complete with living walls installations, stadium style seating area connecting the two floors, private meeting pods, conference rooms, two large cafeterias and rows upon rows of work stations. Currently, we are in the process of installing an elevator to the private roof deck.

What trends will dominate your industry in the coming months?

We’ve seen the marketplace change throughout the previous months. More players are competing in similar markets and a lot of smaller players went under or retrenched to basics. In the coming months we expect to see our industry recover from the COVID shutdown, as the COVID “restart” is happening quicker than originally expected. Trends in how office spaces are changing are not nearly as drastic as we anticipated even a few short months ago.

While some offices are being redesigned for more spacing, more sanitary stations, HEPA filters, partitions, etc., we expect that if the changes haven’t already been implemented that many office spaces will remain the same.

What led you to your current profession?

From when I attended Babson College–I was the first person in my family to ever graduate with a B.S. in Business–and studied entrepreneurship, I knew that one day I would want to run my own business. I was working on Wall St. and after the 2008 market crash I decided to make the change to work in the family business and never looked back.

Who was/is your mentor and how did s/he influence/help you in your career?

My dad is my mentor and has influenced how I run the business today. After spending ten years as a Wall St. analyst, my father let me come to his office and dig through his books. I was a reverse analyst in way. I knew how to read 10-Ks but I actually taught myself Quickbooks and learned how to develop balance sheets and P&L’s and how to drive cash flow in real time. My father taught me all the things I would not learn in school or sitting behind a desk. And then he let me take over his company.

How do you contribute to your community or profession?

I belong to the Women Presidents Group, WEBENC and the Professional Women in Construction. I am a member of the Investors Bank Treasury Management Advisory Council. Finaly GC has been a long standing member of BOMA. I try to be active in the community of women in construction as I grow each year. Also, I served as the vice president of fundraising of the Parent Teacher Organization on the Executive Board for my son’s elementary school for several years and am still active member of the organization on different committees.

What books or social media influencers would you recommend to other women?

I’m proud to be running an Instagram page (@finallyabosslady) which informs and educates women in business, while also encouraging and motivating women in the workforce. I also highly recommend the book “Untamed” by Glennon Doyle (and her insta) and “Sweetbitter” by Stephanie Danler. My favorite social media pages include Goop, Ellevest, and Poetryinmotion.

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