Brooklyn, NY The New York Real Estate Journal recently sat down with Jeff Greene, chairman and founder of EverGreene Architectural Arts.

Congress - Washington, D.C.
Q. What milestone are you celebrating in 2018?
A. EverGreene is celebrating its 40th year anniversary.
Q. What thoughts or emotions come to mind when you think about this milestone?
A. It is with great pride and disbelief when I think about the past 40 years. It provides a distinct perspective on what came from a simple idea and turned into a nation-wide and well respected company. The endeavors we have taken on display the physical embodiment of my passion for art and history.
Q. What inspired you to start your firm?
A. Initially I started EverGreene as a way to paint murals and produce public art in order to gain a steady income when the Union went on strike, which gave me the chance to make a statement through something that I am really passionate about.
Q. What were some of the challenges you faced during the early years?
A. The one thing concerning the preservation and conservation of architectural arts is the constant adaptation required in order to meet clients’ and projects’ needs. A broad scope for diverse projects allows for a brand new outlook on how to go about solving the design problem. The type of commission that has been acquired throughout the existence of EverGreene has changed with the evolution of the profession. Being able to meet the modern with the traditional ways to create and re-create the built environment provides that “Wow” factor that we pride ourselves on.
Q. What are some of the firm’s greatest accomplishments since its inception?
A. Although it is hard to pick just one that stands out above the rest, there are some projects that have become integral to the future of EverGreene. The project that gave EverGreene a presence in the field was in 1986 when we provided our services for the office of Vice President George Bush. The Library of Congress in DC, the Meridian Opera House in Mississippi, and recreating the 1926 Ohio Theatre Lobby in Cleveland represent a few of the more prominent projects to be taken on by EverGreene.

Q. What’s ahead for your firm?
A. In the late 1970s, when I first established the firm, I just wanted to create murals and paint art for the public to cherish. Never would I imagine that it would turn into a renowned specialty contractor for architectural arts while also providing pre-construction, construction and new design services. I greatly anticipate the coming changes within the industry and know EverGreene will adapt itself to meet and better those changes as we continue to grow. One thing I don’t want to forget is the feeling I had when I painted my first mural and how I thought, this is what I want and will continue to do by providing and preserving art that will be appreciated and cherished in communities for years to come.

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