Cole Schotz P.C.
What trends or innovations do you believe will shape the future of your field, and how are you positioning yourself (or your firm) to be at the forefront?
Being a successful attorney involves creativity and pragmatism, especially when practicing in the ever-changing employment law landscape. There is no “one size fits all” approach to advising clients. The construction industry is tough and construction clients want attorneys who offer practical advice that is specifically tailored to their needs and actually feasible to implement. Knowing what makes your clients “tick” and using that information to develop unique solutions to common problems that do not paralyze clients from running successful businesses will inevitably lead to success.
Who or what has inspired you most in your career, and what advice would you share with the next generation of women entering the A/E/C industry?
I derive a lot of satisfaction in knowing that I am one of the first calls that my clients make when they are facing a legal crisis and that they view me as an integral partner within their operation. There are many thorny compliance issues that are especially difficult for employers within the construction industry, so I am highly responsive in providing practical advice that incorporates operational and risk management considerations, which sets me apart from my peers. Developing a real partnership with your client will foster a close business relationship that will last for years to come.
What’s your favorite way to recharge or get inspired outside of work?
Each year, my husband and I go abroad at least once to experience new food, culture, and sights.
What is one project or achievement in your career that you are most proud of, and how did it impact your organization or community?
At only 31, I was honored to make partner in January 2023. I attribute my promotion to understanding that a great leader is someone who is trusted by their colleagues and clients. I have leveraged my elevation to further garner trust both within the firm and across our client network, which includes companies of all sizes throughout the construction industry. Being able to instill confidence that the matter will get handled effectively makes a huge difference in easing client concern and worry, especially given our work is often so high stakes for our construction clients.
Do you have a hidden talent or a surprising fact about yourself that most people wouldn’t know?
Despite being only 5 ft. tall, I played on a rugby team during high school.

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