Hundred Stories PR
What recent project, transaction, or accomplishment are you most proud of? I’m most proud mentoring some fantastic young people who started out as “new” to this industry but in short order, three months only, have gotten quite the education – and are now thriving! I tell anyone that works for me – a few months at Hundred Stories is like two to three years somewhere else. It probably explains why my competitors are always trying to poach talent from me!
What are the most important factors women in your industry should consider when choosing a firm to build their career with? Look up the flagpole and see who your mentors will be, make sure there are people you’d like to learn from, and never be afraid to ask for what you want. If face time with the “boss” or a specific executive is important to you, make sure that’s agreed to in advance. Talent is hard to come by, don’t believe otherwise, so if you have talent, ask for things you want upfront. You have more leverage than you think. Few young people ever ask for these kinds of things, so you’ll set yourself apart, in a great way.
Who inspires you most? What qualities do they possess that inspire you? Super successful people – and I mean the top .00001% – all seem to have a few things in common; I’m always amazed but it’s a through line. One: They return emails always immediately, no matter what and from whom; it would seem impossible that they do this, and yet they do. Two: They never take short cuts and truly focus; they will rework a seemingly mundane event over and over looking at it from different perspectives until the critical data point is revealed, whereas others give up far more quickly. Three: They reverse engineer their goals, always.

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