Co-Founder & Chief Investment Officer
Nuveen Green Capital
Number of years in CURRENT position: 8.5
3 skills that you use every day in your position: Negotiation, problem-solving and pattern recognition.
Best book, podcast, or app for aspiring leaders:
“So Good They Can’t Ignore You” by Cal Newport.
Best advice for new leaders in 10 words or less: Luck is a random variable. Keep working and it will come.
What recent project, transaction or accomplishment are you most proud of? While at Connecticut Green Bank, I was part of the team that developed the country’s first successful C-PACE* program. Seeing the potential to scale, my co-founder Jessica and I launched startup Greenworks Lending in 2015 to expand C-PACE. Our firm’s double-digit growth led to our 2021 acquisition by $1T+ asset manager, Nuveen. I am very proud of trailblazing a unique financing mechanism within the CRE industry and having built something of tremendous value and scale to help mitigate climate change in the built environment. *Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy
What makes this nominee an Industry Leader?
“Ali leads the nation’s largest provider of C-PACE financing, providing leadership and strategic vision for the firm’s investment and portfolio management strategy. She has raised over $1B of equity and debt for Nuveen Green Capital’s C-PACE assets, while structuring the first-ever securitization of C-PACE assets in 2017.” - Lesley Osborn, Manager, Marketing and Communications at Nuveen Green Capital.

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