2023 Commercial Real Estate Visionaries: James Vira AIA of VIRALINE Architecture LLP

November 14, 2023 - Spotlights
James Vira AIA
VIRALINE Architecture LLP


Architect James Vira is becoming the real estate community’s most valuable new solution to buying and selling faster and strategically informed. Viraline has developed a significant breakthrough in achieving real estate profitability. James, architect and founder of Viraline, developed space analyzing methods that change the game for real estate owners and agents trying to market difficult spaces, by their analyses that visualizes and quantifies value. James has led his team through iconic designs including galleries and reimagining historically revered developments and now strategically supports owners and buyers representatives with unparalleled new tools.

What recent project, transaction, or accomplishment are you most proud of? 
Building upon years of experience analyzing New York commercial space, we developed VIRALINE SF, an analytical method of comparing multiple properties by accounting for variables such as rentable & actual s/f, loss factor, cost per s/f, and intangibles such as ease of layout and suitability for a specific program.

Central Amusement International secured VIRALINE January 2023 to assist with Luna Park’s expansion across five new sites along the Coney Island Boardwalk. Working with CAI and Stonepark Consulting we quickly analyzed the situation and developed their designs to allow the iconic Brooklyn landmark to open for the 2023 summer season.


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