Nominee’s Name & Job Title: Lev Mavashev, Principal
Nominee’s Company/Affiliation: Alpha Realty
Nominee’s City & State of Employment: New York
What is your management style?
I consider myself more of a leader than a manager. We are a boutique firm with a flat organizational structure, so it is definitely an entrepreneurial management style here, but I think management is more about control, whereas I am more focused on influencing and motivating my team to achieve results.
What award were you most proud to receive?
Receiving the 2020 CoStar Power Broker award! 2020 was a tough year especially for NYC multifamily. The market was still in turmoil from the passage of the new rent laws in June 2019 and then the COVID pandemic shut down the city in early 2020. It was really rough, but I doubled down my efforts and that year was proudly recognized as a CoStar Power Broker.
Describe what you would consider to be ONE of your top career highlights:
As much as I’d like to mention some of the big deals I’ve brokered and negotiated, I think my greatest career highlight is building and developing a team around my brokerage practice. For a longtime I was a one man show. Now I have a high-performing team of brokers and support staff.
What aspect of your position do you find most challenging?
Leading and managing people is the most challenging part of my job, but its also the most exciting. Whether it’s a buyer, seller, or member of my team. Everyone is different with their own personalities and motivations. I always strive to build a productive and collaborative environment, while also manage expectations about the outcome we need to achieve

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