2021 Year in Review: Rod Santomassimo, The Massimo Group

December 28, 2021 - Spotlights

Name: Rod Santomassimo

Job Title: Founder

Company Name: The Massimo Group

What was the biggest lesson you learned while working during the pandemic?
While most commercial real estate professionals struggled during 2020, we actually had a record number of clients break the 7-figure commission threshold and this trend continues in 2021. When reviewing the reasons behind this success, it became obvious that the market has shifted away from “transactors” and “facilitators” to “experts,” “specialists” and most of all, “advisors.” The NYC market was impacted the most by the pandemic, from a commercial real estate deal velocity perspective. Yet in 2021, it is those individuals who repositioned themselves in 2020 that are reaping the benefits of securing listing, leasing and financing opportunities today.

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