2021 Year in Review: Brent Glodowski, Avison Young

December 28, 2021 - Spotlights

Name: Brent Glodowski

Job Title: Director, Tri-State Investment Sales

Company Name: Avison Young

What was the biggest lesson you learned while working during the pandemic?
During the pandemic, I learned that I should have changed my cell phone from the “202” number I’ve had since college to a phone number with a local area code.  Having to work 100% remotely for months on end meant I had to make a lot of cold calls from my cell phone as opposed to my office line, which led to more voicemails and non-answered calls than I would have had otherwise!

What was your greatest professional accomplishment or most notable project, deal, or transaction in 2021?
My most significant deal of 2021 was the $11 million sale of 300 West 23rd St., an 8,450 s/f retail condo in Chelsea. This transaction was a great indication of the state of the market as we were able to successfully close on this during the height of the pandemic. We received a positive response from the market that led to a very active bidding process, with 75 signed NDAs and around two dozen offers with a bidding war during the final 48 hours leading up to the contact signing, which helped drive the value substantially.

How has your working environment changed over the last year?
The last year taught me to be more flexible and focused. I went from working from my couch at home trying to balance work while undertaking childcare duties, to living in my parent’s house to returning to the office on a rotating schedule. I learned that there was never a “perfect time” to make a call or send an email while in these new work environments and to take the opportunity whenever I had a moment.

What are your predictions for your industry in 2022?
I anticipate that deal volume will pick up in 2022 due to residents returning to the city in droves (just ask anyone trying to get an apartment right now) and workers trickling back to the office, which are key indicators of recovery. The naysayers who thought New York was dead, there was too much vacancy or that taxes are too high are already gone. Those that remain have and will be very eager to invest in 2022 with the confidence that they’re getting in at or near the bottom of the market and that values will rise over the next few years.

What is the best advice you received in 2021, and who was it from?
The best advice I received in 2021 was to prioritize family and friends. There’s always a call to make or an email to send but that shouldn’t take away from making time for those who are most important to you. The passing of my friend and mentor Jim Kinsey, who brought me into the commercial real estate industry, came as a total shock. One minute we were discussing deal strategy and the next moment he was gone. Whether it’s the sudden passing of someone or COVID or any other hardships, I’ve been reminded the importance of what really matters.

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