Carin Gutchall
Chief Underwriter
X-Caliber Capital
In the past year, what project, transaction or accomplishment are you most proud of?
My team and I closed five affordable project refinances to start 2021, and we are currently in the process of closing a broadly affordable project located in Florida. This project is special to me as it took nearly three years to complete. We had several processes and obstacles to overcome. First, we had different types of debt to work with, along with grants. We had to navigate the underwriting needed for a floodplain, a subdivision of property, and then COVID hit. The great news is that the closing of this project will help maintain the property’s affordability, which will be beneficial to the owners and the current tenants.
How do you advocate for your fellow women in real estate?
I served on the Eastern Lenders Association board for four years. At that time, we were fifty percent male and fifty percent female. In my current position, our team is a mix of male and female, but our company as a whole shows respect for women in the real estate industry. There are many strong leaders in real estate who are women. Women wear many different hats, from successful woman in the work place, to Mom at home, to grandmother, to single Mom. As a newly married working woman, I was a single Mom for quite a while. I never let that discourage me. The challenge of being a single Mom made me stronger, and it should never be looked at as something that will inhibit professional development. Everyone has challenges, but it is what we bring to work every day that counts and I work to bring my best self every day.
How do you keep your team motivated despite conflicts and obstacles?
I like to hold bi-weekly meetings with my direct team and monthly meetings with my expanded team. We discuss success and struggles, and even failures at times. I work with them to keep building on the positive momentum and to continue growing professionally. If we don’t fail sometimes, we can’t learn how to grow and become better. On the other hand, when there are successes, I definitely like to make sure to give the team member a shout out to ensure they are recognized! It’s important to hear the good things.
What books or social media influencers would you recommend to other women?
Overall, I recommend LinkedIn as a whole and as a platform. It is an incredibly powerful tool for networking and learning.
How do you contribute to your community or your profession?
I have worked in this industry for close to 20 years. It has now become a part of me. I work with market rate, affordable, and historic projects. My on-the-job training with historical buildings has enabled me to help my husband with his business and a revitalization in a historical district downtown. Within my job, I help to train new employees from start to finish on projects that are in our pipeline. I enjoy mentoring employees on how to achieve success and how to handle tribulations while working towards long-term goals.
Why should women consider a career in commercial real estate and related services?
So much has changed in this profession over the last few decades. There is ample opportunity, especially in the construction field. There is nothing like building something from a site of dirt into a place where people can live. It is very rewarding to see a plan on paper come to life with trees, homes and families.
Tell us a thing or two about you that is NOT on your resume or LinkedIn profile?
I recently married my college sweetheart. My 12-year-old was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes in 2017. She’s the strongest young woman that I know. I work closely with several diabetic communities to help new families recently diagnosed navigate their new journey.

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