2021 Ones to Watch: Richard Maltz, Maltz Auctions

April 20, 2021 - Spotlights

Name: Richard Maltz

Title: President & Chief Executive Officer

Company Name: Maltz Auctions

What recent project, transaction or accomplishment are you most proud of?
A. I’m definitely most proud of my team pivoting to an online auction platform during the pandemic, allowing us to not only maintain our business but to actually grow it an additional 11%.

B. We’ve been very fortunate to have a consistent pipeline of auctions throughout the pandemic, but I’d have to say the project that deserves to be highlighted most was an eleven building portfolio that sold for $29.2 million at the height of the pandemic.

Who was/is your mentor and how did s/he influence/help you in your career?
I was raised at my father’s knee and rose through the ranks at Maltz Actions, learning every role that was necessary within the company. I couldn’t have imagined a better mentor.

How do you contribute to your community or your profession?
Pre-COVID we made sure to offer our services to nonprofits who wished to have live auctions at their galas. We assisted with raising hundreds of thousands of dollars that way. It’s our hope, with vaccinations on the rise, that we’ll start to see some in-person events again possibly in early fall 2021.

What did you want to be when you grew up?
I feel I’m exactly where I’m meant to be.

Favorite quote:
“You only have one reputation. It takes a lifetime to build and one poor decision to destroy.”

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