Name: Kelly Greenfield, RA, LEED Green Associate
Title: Project Architect
Company Name: H2M architects + engineers
List up to three associations or organizations that you are currently a member of:
- America Institute of Architects
- The Architectural League
- A Better New York (ABNY)
What recent project or accomplishment are you most proud of?
I have been pursuing LEED credentials. I’ve already completed the Green Associate exam and am actively pursuing the Accredited Professional credential in Building Design and Construction (BD+C). It is so important for industry professionals to play their part in protecting the planet for future generations. I hope that these credentials will enable me to lead H2M’s project team in our next LEED eligible project.
How are you networking during the pandemic?
There are plenty of virtual events being held by so many organizations in our industry. The ability to sign-on and connect without travel can actually be seen as positive because it makes these events more accessible; however, it’s always important to reach out to others with a personal email or note. I find that my contacts are always happy to hear from me, even if it is just a quick personal note checking in. We all can appreciate some personal touch during these highly virtual times.
What trend(s) will dominate your industry in the next year?
Certainly, this current pandemic is and will continue to have a large impact on the design and construction industry. Industry professionals will be challenged to creatively design socially distanced spaces that people can inhabit and feel comfortable in.

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