Name: Steven Pollan
Company: Kassin Sabbagh Realty
What was your greatest professional accomplishment in 2019?
Our team completed over $500 million in investment sales but most notably was our success in our recent focus shift to the industrial and office markets. As always though, we pride ourselves in our client relationships and 2019 was our best year ever in that regard.
What was your most notable project, deal, or transaction in 2019?
Our most satisfying project was probably our smallest in terms of deal size, an affordable housing development project in Far Rockaway, Queens. After four years, dealing with various issues from EDC, mayors office, other NYC departments we finally completed the deal this year. Working with an amazing client in Radson Development made all the better.
What are your predictions for commercial real estate in 2020?
I believe we will continue to see politics play a major role in NYC multifamily forcing investors to rethink they’re strategies and we believe more investment capital will flow to other asset classes like industrial, office and a revival in retail.

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