2019 Year in Review: Jason Hudson, Cornerstone Land Abstract

December 31, 2019 - Spotlights

Name: Jason Hudson

Company: Cornerstone Land Abstract

What was your most notable project, deal, or transaction in 2019?
We closed a development deal with a client that involved a joint venture with a religious organization that included: An assemblage of lots, opportunity zone entity formation who is the ground lessee, and a leasehold condominium with a parking component. We were in the trenches alongside the client throughout the entire structuring of the deal, to the eventual closing. Our ability to provide this type of service and really add value to our clients is truly rewarding.

What are your predictions for commercial real estate in 2020?
Challenging to say the least. We look at the upcoming year and focus on what we can control, which is our continued dedication to our clients. I still see a lot of opportunities for us as a company to continue our growth. The market will always have ebbs and flows, but if we stay true to who we are as a company, we will be just fine.

What was your greatest professional accomplishment in 2019?
It may sound simple, but leading our team through an ever-changing market and watching each of them grow as professionals regardless of all the challenges they faced. Our industry has gone through proposed regulations, regulations implemented, and back to pending regulations. For any professional to operate and thrive in this type of environment takes a special person, and I’m fortunate to work daily with those types of people.

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